AHERC Researchers Attend Water Current Data Processing Workshop

AHERC Researchers Attend Water Current Data Processing Workshop

AV̳ Hydrokinetic Energy Research Center director Jeremy Kasper and research engineer Paul Duvoy will attend a workshop next week in Fairbanks focused on using software packages that process data from acoustic Doppler current profilers. ADCPs measure water current velocity and depth profiles.

Jules Hummon, a physical oceanographer from the Department of Oceanography at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, will be in Fairbanks to host the workshop Feb. 20-22.

Kasper and Duvoy will learn how to use software packages for collecting and post-processing shipboard ADCP data. The workshop was arranged by Seth Danielson of the UAF College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences.

Photo: Reson 7125 multibeam sonar deployed to map the ocean floor off Yakutat’s Cannon Beach. Photo by N. Konefal/ACEP.