Wilber Develops Electric Vehicle Charging Costs Calculator

Wilber Develops Electric Vehicle Charging Costs Calculator

Michelle Wilber of ACEP has developed an .

Wilber developed the calculator as part of her work facilitating the technical group of the , organized by the AV̳ Energy Authority.

Users can calculate the costs that charging electric vehicles add to their monthly electric bills. The calculator uses either preset electricity rate data for AV̳ road-system utilities (valid as of January 2020) or input custom rates, including energy and demand charges. It also uses data on electric vehicle charger utilization and power use.

The calculator shows the cost per hour of charging, the cost of a 50-kilowatt-hour “fillup,” the electricity costs per mile of driving, and a comparison with an internal combustion vehicle.

The calculator can investigate the economics both for individuals contemplating an electric vehicle purchase and for potential site hosts considering installing charging infrastructure.

For more information on the calculator, contact Michelle Wilber at mmwilber@alaska.edu.