Revitalization Programs
Programs Concerned with AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native Language (ANL) Revitalization
(Note: This list is probably incomplete. You may add your program or correct your information by sending email to Lawrence Kaplan, AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native Language Center – June 6, 2012
- I. Documentation
- AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native Language Center/ UAF
(publishes dictionaries, grammars, texts, scholarly articles on AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native languages) - AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native Language Archive/UAF
(archives original materials and recordings, assists regional archiving)
(dictionaries of Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian and other language materials)
(Records and archives oral tradition for Bering Strait region)
(Alutiiq language materials and information)
(Elders’ Conference transcripts and recordings, Inupiaq oral tradition, video)- Simon Paneak Memorial Museum, Anaktuvuk Pass
(museum exhibits, publications, library for Nunamiut Iñupiat)
(museum displays and publications)- Individual authors and teams:
(Central Yup’ik publications, museum exhibits and catalogs)
Richard and Nora Dauenhauer -- Tlingit literature
(exhibits, publications, videos for ANLs)- (widely varied content on ANLs)
- AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native Language Center/ UAF
- Materials for Language Learning and Teaching
- Rural School districts publish materials and on-line resources for local languages
- Many of the organizations under (I) above: AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native Language Center, Sealaska Heritage Institute, Kodiak Alutiiq Museum, ANKN, etc.
- Rural School districts publish materials and on-line resources for local languages
- Language classes
- College level
- AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native Language Program/UAF (currently offers Inupiaq, Yup’ik, Koyukon and Gwich’in Athabascan, with B.A. degrees in Inupiaq and Yupik): ANLC classes offered
- Kuskokwim Campus/UAF (Yup’ik language classes and Yup’ik B.A. degree taught primarily in Yup’ik):
- Chukchi Campus/UAF (Malimiu Inupiaq)
- Northwest Campus/UAF (Seward Peninsula Inupiaq)
- (new Alutiiq Studies Program)
- UAA Main Campus, (Yup’ik, Tlingit)
- Schools – numerous schools offer ANLs as part of their curriculum, with everything from language immersion to short periods several times per week
- Special language programs
- Mentor-apprentice learning: Kodiak Alutiiq Museum, AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native Language Program/UAF (learners paired with speakers)
- College level
- Language Committees and Commissions
- Gwich’in language committee: Hishinlai’ Kathy Sikorski,
- Tlingit Words Committee
- Resource Websites
- Dena’ina Qenaga: (Dena’ina Athabascan resources)
- AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native Language Center
- AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native Language Archive
- , Reflections on the Native Languages of AVÀÇÂÛ̳ (blog)