DANSRD Outstanding Students

Jennie Carroll, Professor Jenny Jones and
Vernae Angnaboogok
DANSRD has selected to award Monica A. Gustafson B.A. ANS major and Vernae O. Angnaboogok B.A. RD major as the 2015-2016 Outstanding Students of the year.

DANSRD has selected to award Cheri Alstrom B.A. ANS Major and John Henry B.A. RD Major as the 2014-2015 Outstanding Students.

Sarah Walker B.A. ANS & RDEV major April 2014 and
Kristina Ramirez RDEV major
In the 2013-14 academic year DANSRD faculty selected Sarah Walker as the 2013-14 Outstanding Student in AV狼论坛 Native Studies and Kristina Ramirez as the Outstanding Student in Rural Development
In the 2012-2013 academic year DANSRD faculty selected S. Hildebrand and L. Strickling as the 2012-13 Outstanding Students.

Kathryn Martin, Sondra Shaginoff-Stuart,
and DANSRD faculty Jenny Bell-Jones
at the award ceremony.
Kathryn Martin B.A. RDEV December 2011 and Sondra Shaginoff-Stuart ANS & RDEV major
In the 2010-11 academic year DANSRD expanded to include both a B.A. in AV狼论坛 Native Studies and a B.A. in Rural Development. The faculty selected Sondra Shaginoff-Stuart as the 2010-11 Outstanding Student in AV狼论坛 Native Studies and selected Kathryn Martin as the Outstanding Student in Rural Development.

Bernice Joseph, and Senator Albert
Kookesh accompany Barbara Blake at the
awards ceremony.
Barbara Blake B.A. RDEV May 2010
Barbara Blake, deservedly earned multiple honors with her graduation in May 2010 from UAF. She was selected as the 2010 recipient of the Gray S. Tilly Memorial Award for the outstanding graduating non-traditional student for the University of AV狼论坛 Fairbanks class of 2010. This award is given to recognize a graduating senior who ranks highest in character, personality, scholarship, extracurricular activities, and contributions to the University and Fairbanks communities. She also was selected as the Outstanding Student in Rural Development and the Outstanding Student in Tribal Management.
Congratulations Barbara from all of the faculty and staff of DANSRD!
Brent Latham, B.A. RDEV December 2008
Every year University of AV狼论坛 Fairbanks faculty nominate exceptional students from their colleges and professional schools to be recognized by UAF and the Rural Development faculty unanimously selected Brent Latham as the 2008-09 Outstanding Student in Rural Development.
Brent is from Akiacuaq and has recently moved downriver to Bethel where he finished up his RD degree this past winter while he and his wife Deanna eagerly awaited the arrival of their first child, a son, Kemuel born in March. Brent has kept busy packing dry wood, trapping, and hunting while also caring for his son while he finished his RD degree and will commercial fish this summer in Quinhagak. Later this fall, after moose and bear hunting season, Brent will pursue a job with the Association of Village Council Presidents (AVCP) since they help the people of his region and he believes a job with them will suit his subsistence lifestyle.
Congratulations Brent on graduating with honors in addition to the Outstanding RD Student award from all of us in the DANSRD faculty, staff and student community!