Dear Students,

This is not the way I had planned to say good-bye to all of you this year. I thought I would see you walking around campus in the last days of the semester. I planned to shake the hands of many of you as you crossed the stage at commencement. None of us planned to end this semester by Zoom.

But I hear the stories from your professors about how you are persevering, and I know that you are all working to create new plans and find new ways forward. I know that the ways you, our students, have responded and adapted is diverse, complex, creative and practical.

Teachers learn from their students, and we have learned so much from you. You inspire us to keep pushing to find new and better ways to deliver our world-class education.

For those of you who are graduating, I send you my heartiest congratulations. For those of you still pursuing your academic goals, I look forward to seeing you in the fall. Each one of you is and will always be part of Nanook Nation.

Thank you for choosing UAF.

— Dan White, chancellor

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