Earth Science
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AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Resource Kit
This kit explores natural resources in AVÀÇÂÛ̳. Students can investigate different resources available in AVÀÇÂÛ̳, including various minerals, oil, and renewable energy, and discover how we use them in our everyday life.
What’s in the Kit?
AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Rocks and Minerals Collection specimens
Mineral Test Kit (magnet, copper coin, nail, magnifier lens,
glass plate, black & white porcelain tiles, dropper bottle)
Wood Cross Section object
Rocks and Minerals Study Guide
AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Resources map
Elbow Deep in Mud Pies and Minerals activities
Guidelines For Dealing With Differing Viewpoints pamphlet
AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Minerals & Energy pamphlet
AVÀÇÂÛ̳’s Place in the International Minerals Industry article
Posters with suggested activities
Let’s Go Rock Collecting book
The Magic School Bus: Inside the Earth book
Renewable Energy Atlas of AVÀÇÂÛ̳ book
AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Park Science: Volcanoes of Katmai and the AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Peninsula book
Oil and Natural Gas book
Ground Rules: Mining Right for a Sustainable Future DVD
The NEED Project CD-ROM
Get Energized: An Interactive Program About Energy CD-ROM
AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Resource Education videos DVD
Lesson plans and additional resources available from
Recommended grade levels: 2-8
Key words: Earth Science; Geology; Natural Resources; Rock and Mineral Identification
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Earthquakes Kit
Discover the science of seismology! Explore plate tectonics, seismic waves, earthquake locations and magnitude, core samples, and how buildings can be adapted to withstand earthquakes with hands-on activities.
What’s in the Kit?
Fault Model activity
Fault Model blocks objects
Human Wave activity
Slinky Wave activity
Slinkys objects
Earthquake Machine objects and activity
Earthquake Wave Analogies activity
Traveling Waves activity
Pasta Quake activity
Cupcake Geology activity
BOSS Model object and activity
Base Isolation for Earthquake Resistance activity
Build a Better Wall materials and activity
The 1964 Great AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Earthquake book
Recommended grade levels: K-12
Key words: Earthquakes; Engineering; Geology; Seismology
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Fossils & Dinos Kit
Discover ancient life with museum specimens and hands-on activities, with an emphasis on AVÀÇÂÛ̳ species. Investigate what defines a fossil and how they are formed, observe and identify a variety of fossils, explore the geologic timescale, and learn about the work of museum paleontologists.
What’s in the Kit?
Fossilization Collection objects
Fossils Sorting Kit and Guide objects and activity
Ammonite Fossil object
Bivalva (Clam-like) Fossil object
Bony Fish Fossil object
Leaf Impression Fossil object
Steppe Bison Vertebra object
Hadrosaur Centrum (tail vertebrae) object
Hadrosaur Ulna Fragments (2) objects
Hadrosaur Jaw Fragment object
Hadrosaur Rib Fragment object
Edmontosaurus Skin Impression object
Theropod Track (Mold and Cast) objects
Coprolite Replica object
Plaster Jacket of a Rib Section object
Sedimentator object and activity
Geologic Timeline activity and materials
Fossil or Not? Cards activity
Make a Fossil Timeline activity
Ice Age Puppets activity
Road to Fossilization Game activity and materials
Create Paleo Art Activity activity and materials
Make a Replica Fossil activity
Plastic Toy Dinos and Plants
Imagine Your Dinosaur activity
Texture plates
Dinosaur Track Matching activity and materials
Let’s Investigate Fossils Set replica fossils
Fossil Stamps objects
Fossil Rubbing Plates objects
Dinosaur Floor Puzzle
Dinosaur Card Game
The Dinosaurs of Darkness book and booklet
AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Geographic: Prehistoric AVÀÇÂÛ̳ book
How Could Baby Dinosaurs Live in the Arctic? article
Geologic Timescale Info Sheets
Fossils Info Sheets
Dinosaur Info Sheets
USB Drive activities and resources
Recommended grade levels: preK-12
Key words: Ancient Life; Dinosaurs; Fossils; Geologic Time; Ice Age; Paleontology
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Ice Drifters Kit
Discover hands-on STEAM activities to bring sea ice science into your classroom! This
project-based kit focuses on UAF research with ice drifters and data collected about
changes in Arctic sea ice. Students will learn about the engineering design process,
sea ice, and climate.
What’s in the Kit?
Ice Drifter Prototype object
Shorefast Ice poster
Engineering Design Process poster
Desk Lamp & Bulbs
Digital thermometers
Infrared thermometers
Plastic tubs
Wood blocks
Safety glasses
Clear cups
White plastic sheet
Plastic tubing
Fabric pieces of different colors
Metal cans
Engineering On Ice Activity Binder
USB Drive
Recommended grade levels: K-12
Key words: Arctic Science; Climate; Engineering Design Process; Ice Drifter; Sea Ice
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Magnet Kit
Explore the properties of magnetism through demonstrations and experiments! Investigate how magnets work, the principles behind magnetism and electricity, and Earth's magnetic field.
What’s in the Kit?
Magnetic Experiments activities
Materials included:
Experiment 1: metal bars, magnetic wand
Experiment 2: various metallic objects, magnetic wand
Experiment 3: magnetized plastic plate, paper clips
Experiment 4: plastic face disk with iron fillings, magnetic wand
Experiment 5: magnetic marbles
Experiment 6: domino magnet, paper clips, piece of aluminum foil, paper, plastic, Styrofoam, cloth,
cardboard, wood
Experiment 7: thin sheet of wood, horseshoe magnet, paper clips
Experiment 8: Magna-doodle
Experiment 9: magnet wands
Demonstrations: Magnetism Review, Magnetic Field, World’s Simplest Motor activities
Materials included:
Demonstration 1: horseshoe magnet, bar and doughnut magnet sets, doughnut
magnets, bar magnets
Demonstration 2: flat iron filling bath, horseshoe magnet, 3-D magnetic box and bar
Demonstration 3: D battery, plastic battery holder with metal tabs, magnet, copper wire
Attract! Fast and Furious Fun with Magnets book
What Makes a Magnet? book
Electricity and Magnetism book
Recommended grade levels: K-12
Key words: Earth Science; Electricity; Magnets
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Developed by the Geophysical Institute (University of AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Fairbanks) and Kotzebue
community members, this kit explores snow through a variety of topics, include winter
safety, snow's effects on wildlife and vegetation, seasonal changes, measuring snow,
climate change, and snow and ice connections. All activities include Iñupiaq cultural
and physical science perspectives, as well as Iñupiaq language. The kit includes videos,
hands on exploration, research, discussions, and readings. Learn more at the .
What’s in the Kit?
Student Guides (26)
Vocabulary Cards
Hot Pot Kettle
Plastic Pitcher
Reusable Heat-Safe Mugs
Disposable Insulated Cups
Black Tea Bags
Water Molecule Kit
Thermometer Probe
Black Velvet Cards
Hand Lenses
Folding Meter Sticks
Heat Packs
Digital Thermometers
Pin Flags
Felt Pockets
Desk Lamp
Apun: The Arctic Snow book
The Arctic Guide book
Plants that We Eat book
Binder with Teacher’s Manual
USB Drive
Recommended grade levels: 6-8
Key words: Climate; Cultural Knowledge; Ice; Iñupiaq; Snow; Survival
Rocks & Minerals Kit
This kit is an introduction to the rock cycle and the science of geology. Using observations and tools, students will learn to describe and sort rocks and minerals. Specimens represent major mineral categories.
What’s in the Kit?
Rocks and minerals (75) specimens
Magnet, penny, magnifier, streak plate objects
Rock and Mineral Study Guide
Information Sheets
Investigating the Rock Cycle
Identifying Metamorphic Rocks
Identifying Igneous Rocks
Identifying Sedimentary Rocks
Rock Observation activity
Draw Your Rock activity
Describe & Sort activity
Elbow Deep in Mudpies and Minerals activities
Rocks and Minerals and How We Use Them poster
Inside the Earth book
Recommended grade levels: 2-8
Key words: Earth Science; Geology; Rock Cycle; Rock and Mineral Identification
Lesson plans and additional resources available from