BLaST One Health speakers in October

October 2, 2019

University Relations

Blast speaker flyer for October. Same info as the announcement but with photos of the three speakers.The One Health seminar speaker series, sponsored by BLaST, continues in October every Monday from 4-5 p.m. the Murie Building auditorium. All students, staff and faculty are welcome to attend.

  • Oct. 7: Marc Cox
    Professor of biological sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso
    “Academic Entrepreneurship: Translating Science into Marketable Technologies to Impact Health and the Environment”

  • Oct. 14: Christa Mulder
    Professor of Ecology at UAF
    “Tales of the Unexpected: Phenology of Boreal Berry-Producing Plants under Climate Change”

  • Oct. 21: Shere Byrd
    Professor of biology at Fort Lewis College

  • “A 'Dirty Mouse' Model for Studying Immune Response”

For more information, please contact Adam Chisom, BLaST program administrator, at A flyer with all speaker information can be found on or .