Meet our academic success coaches
Academic success coaching is a partnership between students seeking to improve their study strategies and peer coaches who are trained to listen, ask thought-provoking questions, help students identify
resources and set goals. Peer coaches can offer assistance with personalized study
plans, time management, navigating UAF technology, test and note-taking strategies,
and much more.
Schedule academic success coaching
To schedule with a peer academic success coach, select the "Schedule an appointment
with ___" button.
JoJo is a senior at UAF. He’s majoring in English after being a part-time student
for several years while working as a personal trainer. He was born in Kodiak, AVÀÇÂÛ̳
but has lived in Fairbanks for most of his life. After completing his undergraduate
degree he hopes to start an MFA the following fall, potentially on the East Coast.
After college, he plans to teach English and continue to publish fiction stories.
When not in class or working as an academic coach he spends his spare time volunteering
at the climbing wall, teaching ice skating, going to karaoke, and contra dancing.
Matia is a fourth-year student studying Linguistics and Anthropology with an Iñupiaq
language minor. Born and raised in the Interior, she began at UAF in 2020 as a dual-enrolled
student. She hopes to one day teach in higher education focusing on language revitalization
and education. She is very involved in student clubs on campus and loves talking to
new students about adjusting to university life.
Saylor is in her sophomore year studying History and Anthropology. She grew up in
Juneau and loves everything about AVÀÇÂÛ̳. She hopes to one day go for a master's degree
and work in the field of ancient history. She loves to read and watch movies, especially
Star Wars.