2010-2011 Faculty Senate Meetings
- 2010 UAF Performance Report
- By Provost Henrichs and PAIR
- CDAC 2011 Report: ""
Meeting Information
- Agenda 175 (PDF)
- Reports and Handouts
- Faculty Senate President's Report (PDF)
- Hand out for HR - Electronic Timesheets (Vickie Gilligan)
- Annual Report: Graduate Academic & Advisory Committee (PDF, 6/27/2011)
- Actions 175
1. Motion to Amend the Course Compression and Approval Policies
2. Motion to Enforce Core Assessment Compliance across Delivery Methods
3. Motion to Approve New Student Learning Outcomes for General Education - Meeting #179: Motion to amend the title of the above motion re General Education
4. Resolution to Review UAF's Interpretation of the Completion Date for Graduate Programs used for International Students
5. Motion to Amend the Academic Dismissal Policy for Graduate Students
6. Resolution of Appreciation for Jonathan Dehn
7. Resolution for the Outstanding Senator of the Year Award
8. Motion to Endorse 2011-12 Senate Committee Membership
(with corrected page 2 to include SADA Committee)
9. Motion to Approve the 2011-12 Faculty Senate Meeting Calendar
10. Motion to Authorize the 2010-11 Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate during the summer months. - Minutes 175 (PDF, 7/13/2011)
- Agenda 174 (PDF)
- Voting Info: Senators at rural sites may email their votes before the meeting and
on up through until the votes are tallied during the senate meeting. Email your vote
for President-Elect and your vote for the OSYA Confirmation to:
- Staff Council Secretary Joyce Stephens: bjstephens2@alaska.edu
- If you have questions, call Jayne at 907-474-7964 (before noon on Monday); or email her at jbharvie@alaska.edu
- Voting Info: Senators at rural sites may email their votes before the meeting and
on up through until the votes are tallied during the senate meeting. Email your vote
for President-Elect and your vote for the OSYA Confirmation to:
- Reports and Handouts
Unit Criteria Committee Meeting Minutes 23-March-2011 (PDF)
Handout from Dana Thomas: 2010-11 ETS Proficiency Profile Analysis (PDF) - Draft Minutes 174 (Word document)
- Actions 174 (PDF Format)
1. Motion to Approve the A.A.S. in Paramedicine
BOR approved at Sept. 2011 Meeting.
2. Motion to Amend the Bylaws of the UAF Faculty Senate, Section 1, Article III: Membership
3. Motion to Reaffirm the Fisheries Division Unit Criteria
4. Resolution to Ratify Election of President-Elect
5. Outstanding Senator of the Year Award - Confirmation
- Agenda 173 (PDF)
- Reports and Handouts
- PDF of PowerPoint Presentation by Dave Valentine:
- Comments from Debu Misra
for the Discussion Item on Stacking Courses Issues - Office of Sustainability Program Highlights by Michele Hebert (PDF)
- Copy of Proposed Governance Agreement for the RISE Board (PDF)
- OSYA Guidelines
Deadline for Nominations is Noon, March 25, 2011 - Flyer: April 29 Promotion and Tenure Workshop
- UAF Development Office 2011 Employee AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Initiative:
AVÀÇÂÛ̳ website
- Actions 173
- Motion to Address Faculty Concerns about Electronic Student Evaluations
- Motion to Allow Foreign Language Test Exemption and Core Credit Waiver for Qualifying
Foreign Students
- Reflects revisions made on the senate floor.
- Meeting Minutes 173 (PDF)
- This meeting was recorded. Copies may be requested from the Faculty Senate office.
- Agenda 172 (Word doc)
- Reports and Handouts
- The following information is shared by Mike Davis who attended the AAUP Shared Governance Conference recently.
- AAUP Leaflet: "Working for Faculty" (PDF)
- Making Senates Effective (PDF)
- Is It Really Shared Governance? (PDF)
- Actions 172
- Motion to Address the Health Care Dependent Audit (PDF)
- Motion to Amend the Math Placement Test Expiration Date (PDF)
- Motion to Clarify Grading Policy for Graduate Programs (PDF)
- Motion to Accept Students Transferring to UAF with AA / AS Degreesas Satisfying the 100-200 Level Core Curriculum (PDF)
- Motion to Change the Academic Disqualification Policy (PDF)
- Motion to Amend the Bylaws to Add the Research Advisory Committee (PDF)
- Minutes 172 (PDF)
- This meeting was recorded. Copies may be requested from the Faculty Senate office.
- Agenda 171
- Guest Speaker: UA President Patrick Gamble
- Reports and Handouts
- Minutes and Actions 171
- Motion to Recommend Clarification of University Regulation R10.04.090.C.11 (Passed)
- Motion to Publicize Grading Policies (Passed)
- Download a PDF Handout: Table summarizing the "C" grades and their implications
[Table summary updated following Meeting #191, May 2013 due to changed "C" grading policy.]
- Download a PDF Handout: Table summarizing the "C" grades and their implications
- Minutes 171 (PDF) - Revised 2/7/2011.
- This meeting was recorded. Copies may be requested from the Faculty Senate office.
- Agenda 170
- Guest Speaker: Superintendent Peter Lewis, FNSB School District
- Audio Conference Info for Meeting #170:
1-800-893-8850; Participants' PIN: 1109306
- Reports and Handouts
- Minutes 170
- This meeting is recorded. Copies may be requested from the Faculty Senate Office.
- Record of Voting on Motion 170/1
- Actions 170
- Agenda 169 (PDF)
- Brown Bag Lunch for all new members at Noon at the WC Ballroom. This meeting was recorded. Please contact Jayne Harvie for copies.
- The Faculty Senate yearly photo will be taken during the break.
- Chancellor's Faculty Senate Social, 5:30-7:00 PM, at Chancellor's residence.
- Audio Conference Info for Meeting #169:
1-800-893-8850; Participants' PIN: 1109306
- Reports and Handouts
- BOR Policy and Regulation on Program Review (10.06) [PDF]
- 2010 Program Review Schedule [.xlsx file]
- Minutes
- Minutes 169 (PDF)
- Actions 169
- Motion to Approve an Updated Program Review Process: Passed as amended on the senate floor (with regard to frequency of review), with 4 nays and 1 abstention.
- Motion to Approve an Updated Program Review Process:
Friendly amendment passed on May 6, 2011 by Administrative Committee (see page 2).
- This meeting was recorded. The Brown Bag Lunch prior to the meeting was also recorded. Please contact Jayne Harvie for copies.
- REVISED Agenda 168 as of 9/10/2010 (PDF)
- Reports and Handouts
- Actions 168
- FS Reaffirmed a Resolution from Fall 2007 requesting faculty review committees allow candidates for tenure, promotion , or comprehensive review to opt for open meetings. (PDF)
- Motion to approve the elimination of the B.S. degree in Statisitics. (PDF)
BOR approved deletion at Dec. 2010 Meeting. - Motion to amend the FS Bylaws, Section 3 (Art. V: Committees) at subsection E.6, addressing membership requirements for the Core Review Committee. (PDF)
- Minutes 168 - Approved at Meeting #169.
- Meeting #168 was recorded. Please contact Jayne Harvie for copies.