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Warning Text`1NGRADUATE!  ;   ;+   ;"ZR3 A@@   ! List_NumberFormatLevele-copy signed-copyReceived DescriptionUnit Submitter Dept_ContactTo_CmteStatusApprovalcc's#22-GCCh. Carryover from Spring 2010GraduateWordyesCourse Change: ME F634 - Advanced Materials Engineering, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (2+3), and add a 3-hour lab to the course; effective Fall 2010.CEM - Mechanical Engineering0Jing Zhang Sarah Hall, x7136 me.dept@alaska.edu[ 9/15/2010: GAAC to review again. 4-26-2010: Jen S. to follow-up with questions about lab.!26-GNC Carryover from Spring 2010PDFNew Course: CHEM F618 - Crystallography and Diffraction, 3 credits (2+3); prerequisite of graduate standing or permission of instructor; letter-graded and not repeatable; to be offered alternate fall, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2010.!CNSM - Chemistry and Biochemistry'Tom Trainor, x5628 tptrainor@alaska.eduSTACKEDCourse Change: BIOL F618 - Biogeography, 3 credits (3+0); stack as BIOL F418; crosslist as both GEOG F418 (existing) and GEOG F618; change frequency from spring to fall offering; change course description; effective Fall 2011. CNSM/SNRAS Biology/Geography>Patricia Heiser, x7068 paheiser@alaska.edu Diane Wagner, x5227>Patricia Heiser, x7068 paheiser@alaska.edu Diane Wagner, x5228wBEING INCLUDED IN FALL 2010 COURSES AS #1-GCCH. Have not heard back from Orion L. (Rajive is leaving this one to him.)2-GCCh. yes - PDFCourse Change: PHYS F645 - Fundamentals of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, 3 credits (3+0); change course number to F647 and cross-list as ATM F647; offered fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2011.CNSM - Physics)John Olson jvo@gi.alaska.edu x6793, x7558<John Olson jvo@gi.alaska.edu x6793, x7559 Barbara Day, x73683-GPCh.SOEd - Special Education%Joanne Healy x1557 jhealy7@alaska.edu4-GPCh.5-GCCh.Course Change: EDSE F605 - Early Childhood Special Education, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to more accurately reflect required course fieldwork; change frequency of offering to fall only, as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.6-GCCh.Course Change: EDSE F610 - Assessment of Students with Disabilities, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to more accurately reflect required course fieldwork; offered summer, as demand warrants; effective Summer 2011 upon approval.7-GCCh.Course Change: EDSE F612 - Curriculum and Strategies I: Low Incidence, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to more accurately reflect required course fieldwork; offered summer, as demand warrants; effective Summer 2011 upon approval.8-GCCh.Course Change: EDSE F622 - Curriculum and Strategies II: High Incidence, 3 credits (3+0); stacked with EDSE F422; change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork required in the course; offered in spring; effective Fall 2011.9-GCCh.Course Change: EDSE F624 - Social/Emotional Development, Assessment, and Intervention, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork required in the course; offered fall and as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.10-GCCh.Course Change: EDSE F625 - Teaching Mathematics to Special Learners, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork required in the course; offered fall and as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.11-GCCh.Course Change: EDSE F633 - Autism: Communication and Social Disorders, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork required in the course; offered spring and as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.12-GCCh.13-GCCh.14-GCCh.Course Change: EDSE F677 - Reading Assessment, Curriculum and Strategies, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork required in the course; offered spring and as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.15-GPCh.Program Change: K-12 Art Licensure Program: add EDSC F205 as an option in the program requirements; effective Summer 2011 upon approval.SOEd - SecondaryLarry Meath, x658916-GCCh. 10-UCCh. STACKEDSFOS - Fisheries Division&Andrew Seitz, x5254 acseitz@alaska.edu17-GNC 11-UNC STACKED18-GCCh. 18-UCCh. STACKEDCourse Change: ATM F613/F413 - Atmospheric Radiation, 3 credits (3+0); cross-list and stack as PHYS F613/F413; offered fall of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2011.CNSM - Atmospheric Sciences+Nicole Molders, x7910 molders@gi.alaska.edu5Barbara Day for Nicole Molders bdday@alaska.edu x736819-GNC+Kenneth Sassen, x7845 ksassen@gi.alaska.edu0Barbara Day for K. Sassen bdday@alaska.edu x736820-GCDr.Course Drop: MSL F611 - Field Problems in Marine Biology, 5 credits (5+0); course is now obsolete and has not been offered in ten years; course content is covered in MSL F450 and MSL F651; effective Fall 2011.SFOS - Marine Biology#Katrin Iken, x5192 iken@ims.uaf.edu-Christina Neumann, x5840 clneumann@alaska.edu21-GCDr.Course Drop: MSL F616 - Metabolic Physiology, 3 credits (3+0); drop course which hasn't been taught in more than 5 years due to low demand; content is covered in MSL F615; effective Fall 2011. SFOS - GPMSL22-GNC$Sarah Hardy, 7616 smhardy@alaska.edu23-GCDr.Course Drop: MSF F617 - Marine Mammal Management, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been offered in more than five years; much of the course content is covered in MSL F619; low demand for the course; effective Fall 2011.24-GNC)Franz Mueter, 796-5448 fmueter@alaska.edu25-GNC2Barbara Day for N. Molders, bdday@alaska.edu x736826-GCCh.CNSM - Biology and Wildlife_Christine Hunter, x6743 Mark Lindberg, x6598 mslindberg@alaska.edu christine.hunter@alaska.edu 27-GNPCLA - Political ScienceJon Rosenberg, Jerry McBeath28-GNC*Jon Rosenberg, x6502 jrosenberg@alaska.edu29-GNC30-GNC$color=posted on committee's web page1-GCCh. (1-UCCh.) 31-GCCh.010/18/2010: Provost approved. 10/15/2010: To Provost. 9/27/2010: Approved at GAAC. 9/15/2010: GAAC to review again. Revised syllabus received 9/13/2010. Xiong will contact CHEM and ask them to cleanup minor issues& per Rajive on 4/27/10. No followup communicated to date. Email sent to Xiong on 6/15/10.Program Change: Certificate of Completion for the Post-Baccalaureate K-12 Special Education Licensure Program: Update degree requirements to reflect course number and title changes; and update admission requirements to the program to accommodate candidates who do not already possess a teaching certificate; reduce total credit requirements for the licensure from 30 credits to 24 credits plus addition of a 3-credit prerequisite; effective Fall 2011.Program Change: M.Ed. - Special Education: Update degree requirements to reflect course number and title changes; and update admission requirements to the program to accommodate candidates who do not already possess a teaching certificate; effective Fall 2011.Course Change: EDSE F640 - Collaboration and Consultative Methods, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect the fieldwork required in the course; eliminate prerequisites to increase enrollment; offered spring and as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.=Course Change: EDSE F642 - Autism and Asberger Syndrome: Social and Behavioral Issues, 3 credits (3+0); change credit distribution to (3+0+1) to reflect fieldwork required; eliminate prerequisites to increase enrollment; update frequency of offering to Summer, as demand warrants; effective Summer 2010 upon approval.aCourse Change: FISH F626 - Behavioral and Physiological Ecology of Fishes, 3 credits (3+0); stacked as FISH F426; change title to Behavioral Ecology of Fishes; add FISH F301 or BIOLF271 or permission of instructor to prerequisites, and drop FISH F288 from prerequisites<; update description; to be offered alternate spring semesters; effective Fall 2011.\p}New Course: FISH F628 - Physiological Ecology of Fishes, 3 credits (3+0); to be stacked as FISH F428; prerequisites include BIOL F115X, BIOL F116X, FISH F301 or BIOL F271 or permission of instructor; recommended courses include FISH F425, FISH F427, BIOL F310; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered spring of odd-years; first offering in Spring 2013; effective Fall 2011.PdNew Course: ATM F666 - Atmospheric Remote Sensing, 3 credits (3+0); letter graded and not repeatable; prerequisites include ATM F401/ATMF601 or permission of instructor; to be offered spring of odd-numbered years, first offering Spring 2013; effective Fall 2010.New Course: MSL F612 - Early Life Histories of Marine Invertebrates, 3 credits (3+0); to be letter graded and not repeatable; recommended graduate standing or instructor permission, and Invertebrate zoology; to be offered alternate fall, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.New Course: FISH F631 - Data Analysis in Community Ecology, 3 credits (3+0); to be cross-listed as MSL F631; letter graded and not repeatable; prerequisites include STAT F200X, STAT F401 or equivalent; FISH F693 or familiarity with R, general ecology, graduate standing in Fisheries or permission of instructor; to be offered spring of odd-numbered years; first offering spring 2013; effective Fall 2011.2New Course: ATM F678 - Mesoscale Dynamics, 3 credits (3+0); letter-graded and not repeatable; prerequisites include ATM F401/ATM F601 or permission of instructor; recommended are Caculus I to III and a 400-level Physics; to be offered as demand warrants; first offering in Spring 2012; effective Fall 2010.-Course Change: WLF F625 - Analysis of Vertebrate Population Survival and Movement, 3 credits (2+3); change title to "Population Dynamics of Vertebrates"; course is cross-listed with FISH F625; change to 4 credits with a distribution of (3+3); offered spring of odd-numbered years; effective Fall 2011.0New Program: M.A. - Political Science: Requires 6 credits of core courses for the degree from PS F603 and PS F622; and 24 additional credits from either the concentration of Environmental Politics and Policy, or the concentration of Arctic Policy; effective Fall 2011 pending all approvals including BOR.%New Course: PS F622 - Political Science Research Design and Methods, 3 credits (3+0); seminar and lecture format; prerequisites include graduate standing or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every spring, first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.&New Course: PS F669 - Arctic Politics and Governance, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include graduate standing or permission of instructor, and PS F450, PS F452, or PS F454 or equivalent; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered every fall, first offering Fall 2011; effective Fall 2011.New Course: PS F675 - Internship in Public Affairs, 3 credits (0+0+10-15); prerequisite of graduate standing or permission of instructor; letter graded; repeatable two times for a maximum 6 credits; to be offered fall and spring; first offering Spring 2012; effective Fall 2011.31-GCCh.Course Change: PSY F652 - Practicum Placement - Clinical I, 1-3 credits (1-3+0); change repeatability from a maximum of 6 credits to 9 credits; effective Fall 2011.CLA - PsychologyDani Sheppard, x7012+Cathy Morgan, x7012 cathy.morgan@alaska.edu32-GCCh.Course Change: PSY F653 - Practicum Placement - Clinical II, 1-3 credits (1-3+0); change repeatability from a maximum of 6 credits to 9 credits; effective Fall 2011.33-GPCh.Program Change: M.S., M.A.T. - Biology: change the name of the degree from M.S., M.A.T. Biology to M.S., M.A.T. Biological Sciences; effective Fall 2011.)Christa Mulder, x6294 cpmulder@alaska.edu%Dawn Dearinger dmdearinger@alaska.edu34-GPCh.Program Change: Ph.D. - Biological Sciences: remove the concentrations of Biology, Botany, and Zoology as there are no requirements associated with them; keep the concentration of Wildlife Biology and Conservation; effective Fall 2011.35-GPCh.Program Change: M.Ed. - Reading and K-12 Reading Endorsement: remove this area of specialization from the School of Education's master's graduate program due to low enrollment; effective Fall 2011.SOEd. - Master'sAllan Morotti, x5362(Jane Monahan, x5352 jmmonahan@alaska.edu36-GNCUNew Course: EE F614 - Numerical Methods for Electrical Engineers, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include graduate standing in Electrical or Computer Engineering or permission of instructor; with Electromagnetic Waves, Digital Signal Processing, Programming in C, and Matlab recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; effective Fall 2011.)CEM - Electrical and Computer Engineering.Bill Bristow, x7357 bill.bristow@gi.alaska.edu37-GNCINew Course: EE F643 - Selected Topics in Computer Engineering, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include CS F201 or ES F201, EE F443, graduate standing, or permission of instructor; with EE F463 or EE F464 recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall of odd years; first offering Fall 2011, effective Fall 2011.*Dejan Raskovic, x5256 draskovic@alaska.edu38-GNCXNew Course: EE F646 - Wireless Sensor Networks, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include CS F201 or ES F201, EE F341 or EE F343, graduate standing, or permission of instructor; with EE F443, EE F444, EE F463 or EE F464 recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered fall of even years; first offering Fall 2012, effective Fall 2011.39-GNCNew Course: EE F668 - Radar Systems, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include graduate standing in Electrical or Computer Engineering, or permission of instructor; with Electromagnetic Waves, Digital Signal Processing recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; effective Fall 2011.40-GNCmNew Course: EE F675 - Robot Modeling and Control, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include EE F471, PHYS F212, or equivalent courses in automatic control systems, and mechanics; with EE F303 or equivalent electrical machinery courses and some experience with MatLab recommended; letter graded and not repeatable; to be offered as demand warrants; effective Fall 2011.)Seta Bogosyan, x2755 sbogosyan@alaska.edu^ b%d=q ! $0%'j*)++da6 @ BiE3GOBMcc   8m  dMbP?_*+%30&CGraduate Course/Degree List in Numerical Order Page &P&?'?(p= ף?)Q?Mr\\uaf-printers\SIH-314-HP3005dC odLetterDINU"p ?pSMTJ`HP LaserJet P3005 PCL 6InputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLResolution600dpiFastResTrueHPLpiSelectionNonePrintQualityGroupPQGroup_2OrientationPORTRAITHPOrientRotate180FalseESPRITSupportedTrueCollateOFFRETChoiceTrueHPOutputBinOrientationFACEDOWNOutputBinAutoEconomodeFalseHPPJLEncodingUTF8HPPaperSizeALMConstraintsENV_10TextAsBlackFalseTTAsBitmapsSettingTTModeOutlineAlternateLetterHeadFalseHPManualDuplexDialogModelModelessHPMapManualFeedToTray1TrueHPPrintOnBothSidesManuallyFalseHPManualDuplexDialogItemsInstructionID_01_FACEDOWN-NOROTATEHPManualFeedOrientationFACEDOWNHPDocPropResourceDatahpchl5r1.cabHPColorModeMONOCHROME_MODEHPPDLTypePDL_PCL6HPJobAccountingHPJOBACCT_JOBACNTHPJobByJobOverrideJBJOHPBornOnDateHPBODHPPrintInGrayScaleFalseHPDuplicateJobNameOverrideSWFWHPConsumerCustomPaperTrueHPEnableRAWSpoolingTrueJRConstraintsJRCHDPartialHPColorSmartAutomaticJRHDInstalledJRHDOffJRHDNotInstalledJRHDOffPSAlignmentFileHPCLS5r1HPSmartHub_OnlinediagnostictoolsTRUEHPSmartHub_SupportandtroubleshootingTRUEHPSmartHub_ProductmanualsTRUEHPSmartHub_CheckfordriverupdatesTRUEHPSmartHub_OrdersuppliesTRUEHPSmartHub_ShowmehowTRUEPSServices_DeviceandSuppliesStatusTRUEHPSmartHubInet_SID_263_BID_276_HID_265PSServicesOptionPrnStat_SID_242_BID_270_HID_15521HPDocUISUITrueHPNUseDiffFirstPageChoiceTRUEHPPageExceptionsFileHPCPE5r1HPPageExceptionsInterfaceShowPageExceptionsHPPageExceptionsLowEndHPPageExceptionsLowEndVerHPPageExceptionsCoverInsertionHPXMLFileUsedhpc30x56.xmlDuplexNONEMediaTypeAUTOHPSmartDuplexSinglePageJobTrueHPSmartDuplexOddPageJobTruePaperSizeLETTERHPStraightPaperPathFalseHPPaperSizeDuplexConstraintsA6HPMediaTypeDuplexConstraintsHEAVYIUPHx홿o@ǟ !~tcc% P#\@&P T[%*[_`?%#+bDՍ ~ō[>wgy3CNq k*CZ@+k}2.KZA[GD06yC\32 ԠeZK"L"d!N׊^X'6{.<1B+tJ$=/]OMQTbҕb1FDm2`TVO@fL= u{Hqb_/aBNbL:1 3q ZG/[ WZad'8.jb(":qxtĐ~9fg '6d#äkWTFцJOOZ>8Cl"Z!G|,zZZ֡wᡜfu2RЛva ߎ!?_ mc.DyVTClf dt; 똣9&W&5XmF5h%,B qUieUiSwb]zoa}kWb{Bҕ`-/JW79)g7e[WhwSghJ0 0 0 0"ZHzG?= ףp=?U} $H} D} mH}  D} m D} $ H} .U}  U} $H} U} U} IU} U} H} $ H8B @B BBBB B B B B BBB B B               @ @ @ @ @ @ A A A A A A A A C~ D@ D D D~ E`@ F G G  G G  F  FG I~ D? 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