Department of Mining & Mineral Engineering

Long Fan
Assistant Professor
Mining and Mineral Engineering
Duck 319
Research Interests:
- geomechanics with injected fluids
- mining ground control
- health and safety in the mining industry
- applications of data science and machine learning in the energy industry
- intelligent mining and automation
- rock mechanics
- fluids transportation and adsorption in unconventional oil and gas production
- nano-dust characterization and its health effect
- ventilation optimization and simulation

Tathagata Ghosh
Department Chair | Associate Professor
Mining and Mineral Engineering
Duck 317
Research Interests:
- computational fluid dynamics applications in mineral processing
- numerical modeling
- dry separation
- advanced physical processing
- comminution
- population balance modeling
- process simulation and control
- coal preparation
- fine particle processing
- gravity separation techniques
- flotation
- agglomeration
- advanced beneficiation technologies

Jill Riddle
Office Manager
Department of Mining and Mineral Engineering | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering