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October 28, 2022
Baek’s principal research fields include international trade and policy, economics of environment and trade, energy economics, and econometric modeling.
October 28, 2022
Leadership (organizational, indigenous), management (rural/indigenous), event planning, Festival of Native Arts, AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native education, business writing and communications, community and sustainable development in indigenous and rural communities, grant writing, entrepreneurship, rural tourism (ecotourism, geotourism).
October 28, 2022
Investment strategies, performance evaluation, mutual funds, capital structures, market microstructures, financial regulation. Derivatives, financial management, investment, finance, financial economics
October 28, 2022
Fisheries markets. Building international supply and demand models for AVÀÇÂÛ̳ fisheries. Specific fisheries include, but not limited to, halibut, salmon, AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Pollock and crab. Current research includes sablefish.
October 28, 2022
Innovation, business start-ups, management, change management
October 28, 2022
Tobias Schwoerer is an applied economist with expertise in AVÀÇÂÛ̳’s resource management issues, particularly the response to invasive species and the effects of environmental change on the economy.
October 28, 2022
Areas of accounting and auditing, business plans and feasibility analysis; all areas of economic development relating to AVÀÇÂÛ̳, including fisheries, the visitor industry, others. Accounting, auditing, internal controls, financial/governmental, finance/feasibility.