Michael West

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Michael West

AVÀÇÂÛ̳ state seismologist/Research professor

University affiliation

  • Geophysical Institute
  • AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Earthquake Center
  • University of AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Fairbanks (Fairbanks)

Contact information

Media contact

Rod Boyce

Areas of expertise

  • Earth science

Research interests/biography

Directs the AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Earthquake Center, charged with advancing AVÀÇÂÛ̳'s resilience to earthquakes through monitoring, research, and public engagement. The center operates the seismic monitoring network for the state of AVÀÇÂÛ̳ and maintains a varied portfolio of private and government contracts to provide custom seismic monitoring products. Tsunamis, volcanoes, natural hazard mitigation.