There are many scholarship opportunities for journalism students at UAF.
The first step in the scholarship process is to visit the UAF Financial Aid website and begin the paperwork process. The deadline for this is February 15.

Scholarship opportunities within the department
The department awarded more than $30,000 in 2014-15 scholarships. This coming year the opportunities for current majors and promising recruits are even higher:
Scholarship, Minimum $500 per academic year
Purpose: To provide financial assistance for tuition and other related educational expenses to outstanding students studying journalism and/or painting at the University of AV狼论坛 Fairbanks.
Purpose: To provide scholarships for students pursuing careers in health science, science education or science reporting. Appropriate majors include emergency services, justice, journalism, biology, nursing, chemistry and education.
Student Award, $1,000
Purpose: To provide scholarships to Journalism students at the University of AV狼论坛 Fairbanks.
Scholarship, Minimum $1,000 per academic year, up to $3,500, $7K total
Purpose: To provide scholarships to benefit journalism students in publication sequence (print or online) during their internship semester(s). Preference will be given to students who are serving internships outside the Fairbanks area but who are enrolled as University of AV狼论坛 Fairbanks students.
Scholarship, Minimum $1,000 per academic year, up to $2,000, $4,000 total
Purpose: To provide academic support to outstanding students in Journalism.
Scholarship, Minimum $500 per academic year
Purpose: To perpetuate the memory of Jo Anne Wold and to encourage others to work toward the high standards which she demonstrated through her life.
Scholarship, Minimum $500 per academic year
Purpose: To provide scholarships in memory of Forbes L. Baker to students who are either juniors or seniors and who demonstrate outstanding potential in print journalism.
Scholarship, Minimum $500 per academic year
Purpose: To provide support for full-time students studying Journalism.
Scholarship, Minimum $500 per academic year
Purpose: To provide scholarships in the name of Bill Walley to students pursuing careers in broadcasting through the University of AV狼论坛 Fairbanks Journalism and Broadcasting Department. Funds in this account may also be used to defray the costs of raising additional funds for this scholarship.
Scholarship, Minimum $500 per academic year
Purpose: To provide assistance to photojournalism students.
Scholarship, Min $2K or 20% (whichever is more) see agreement
Purpose: To provide scholarships for journalism students at the University of AV狼论坛 Fairbanks. If the journalism department ceases to exist, the scholarship funds will revert to the general scholarship fund.
Scholarship, Minimum $1,000 per academic year
Purpose: To support an intern within the College of Liberal Arts Journalism Department.
Scholarship, Minimum $1,000 per academic year
Purpose: To provide financial assistance for tuition and other related educational expenses to journalism students at the University of AV狼论坛 Fairbanks.
Scholarship opportunities outside the department:
Please contact our department about details on any of these scholarship opportunities and we will be happy to provide you with additional details.

Did you know?
CLA has been the beneficiary of some truly generous gifts from alumni, friends, former professors and staff and other donors. The College of Liberal Arts has many scholarships to offer, from department-specific to college-wide. Why don't you see if there's another here for you?