• Participants of the 2023 Educators Rising AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Conference gathered for a group photo, which was held on the UAF Troth Yeddha' Campus.

    UAF's K-12 Outreach/Educators Rising AVÀÇÂÛ̳ to host over 200 participants in Juneau

    February 14, 2024

    Middle and high school students and their teacher leaders from across AVÀÇÂÛ̳ will attend the annual Educators Rising AVÀÇÂÛ̳ State Leadership Conference, held this year on the UAS campus, Feb. 22-23.
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  • WCET AI+Education virtual summit

    February 14, 2024

    Join us for the WCET Elements of Practice + Policy of AI in Education Virtual Summit. CTL has a limited number of seats available for this exclusive event on Feb. 22 from 8 a.m. to noon on a variety of AI topics.
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  • 2024-25 UA Foundation Scholarship selection deadline

    February 12, 2024

    The deadline for students to apply to the 2024-25 UA Foundation Scholarship application is 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 15. Scholarship selection committees will be able to review applicants and select recipients through Kaleidoscope starting Feb. 23.
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  • Join a conversation about Parental Leave Policy

    February 12, 2024

    The Committee on the Status of Women will host a conversation on changes in the UA benefits and parental leave policy. All graduate students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend this hybrid discussion on Feb. 21 from 2-4 p.m.
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  • Feb. 12-16 is Lab Safety Awareness Week

    February 12, 2024

    Feb. 12-16 is Lab Safety Awareness Week, and a particular focus this year is the safe storage of chemicals.
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  • Person holding four puppies

    Apply for Summer 2024 BLaST URE funding

    February 12, 2024

    The Biomedical Learning and Student Training program invites students to apply to earn up to $6,000 to conduct research for summer 2024. The deadline to apply is Sunday, Feb. 25 by midnight.
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  • Submit to AVÀÇÂÛ̳ INBRE summer 2024 Undergraduate Research Assistantship awards

    February 12, 2024

    Apply for the AVÀÇÂÛ̳ INBRE Summer 2024 Undergraduate Research Assistantship Awards by the Feb. 16 deadline. Awards will be announced on March 8.
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  • Backlit fireweed during an AVÀÇÂÛ̳n sunset. USFWS photo by Lisa Hupp.

    Seminar: Co-stewardship, from concept to actions

    February 12, 2024

    February's A Place for Knowledge Exchange seminar is on co-stewardship, from concept to actions. The conversation will include Carrie Stevens, Mary Hostetter and Ralph Wolfe. The seminar is co-hosted by the College of Rural and Community Development and the International Arctic Research Center.
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  • Southeast AVÀÇÂÛ̳ landscape. Photo by E. Figus.

    Practicing partnership: co-production and boundary spanning in rural AVÀÇÂÛ̳

    February 12, 2024

    Dialogue bringing together graduate students, staff, and faculty to discuss the nuts and bolts of implementing co-production and boundary-spanning frameworks in research.
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  • AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Nanooks Gold Rush logo designed by Hatty Design

    AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Nanooks Gold Rush tickets on sale

    February 09, 2024

    Get your ticket for the 2024 AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Nanooks Gold Rush fundraiser presented by Usibelli Coal Mine. Join your Nanooks on Saturday, March 23 at 6 p.m. in the AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Airlines Gymnasium for a night of food, friends, games, a silent and outcry auction and a reverse raffle event where $6,000 in cash prizes will be given away.
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  • Employees engage in planning discussions at UAF.

    Friday Focus: Planning, pursuing, prospering

    February 09, 2024

    Last week as I drove from my home to my office, to the grocery store, and back home through the thick ice fog in temperatures well below negative forty, I was reminded how blessed I was. I was in a warm car, driving on a well-plowed road, buying fresh groceries, and working through my daily chores - all because there were well-planned services and infrastructure in place. So many people, organizations and systems were involved in ensuring that I had what I needed to live a safe and good life. Planning is key to running any organization. Members of resilient and prospering organizations recognize that there are multiple paths to reach a goal. For any reason, if the first plan fails or is not optimal, there is wisdom in being nimble, pivoting, re-planning and pursuing a modified plan. This is what we do at UAF.
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  • Jared Jeffrey, the fiscal manager for the College of Rural and Community Development, is the rural staff spotlight for February 2024.

    February Rural Staff Spotlight: Jared Jeffrey

    February 09, 2024

    Jared Jeffrey, the fiscal manager for the College of Rural and Community Development, is the rural staff spotlight for February 2024.
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  • UA Faculty Alliance Thought Leaders Forum

    February 09, 2024

    The Faculty Alliance will host the first of a new annual Thought Leaders Forum for two half days of virtual Zoom meetings, March 28 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and March 29 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
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  • Faculty, staff night at basketball doubleheader

    February 09, 2024

    Join your AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Nanooks on Feb. 15 for Faculty and Staff Night! All UAF faculty and staff get in free for both women's and men's basketball games with their Polar Express card.
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  • 2024-2025 University of AVÀÇÂÛ̳ general scholarship application

    February 07, 2024

    The 2024-2025 University of AVÀÇÂÛ̳ General Scholarship Application is due on Feb. 15. The UAF Financial Aid Office is available to help you with any questions you might have!
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  • Nominate outstanding graduating students for Boswell, Tilly, Weigert awards

    February 07, 2024

    Nominations are sought for the Marion Frances Boswell Memorial Award, the Joel Weigert Award and the Gray S. Tilly Memorial Award which recognize outstanding UAF graduates each year. Nominations must be received by Friday, Feb. 23.
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  • Education major Jamie Hallberg, left, meets with mentor Kathie Cook while completing her internship at Denali Elementary School in Fairbanks.

    Apply for UA Teacher Internship Scholarship

    February 07, 2024

    AVÀÇÂÛ̳ needs teachers. The University of AVÀÇÂÛ̳ is providing scholarships to help those interested in teaching complete a degree and become a certified teacher for AVÀÇÂÛ̳. Applications are due April 1.
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  • Two students study together at the University of AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Fairbanks Troth Yeddha' Campus on May 10, 2023.

    UAF general education learning outcomes

    February 07, 2024

    General Education Requirement courses play a pivotal role in shaping the academic, professional, and life skills of our students. They help students improve their skills in communication, critical thinking, ethical decision-making, synthesizing knowledge across disciplines, civic engagement and much more! UAF GER courses welcome students from every degree pathway and are designed around four learning outcomes.
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  • Samantha Knutson and other students listen in during a School of Management marketing class in the Gruening Buildilng.

    Students2Startups internship program now recruiting students

    February 07, 2024

    Center ICE's Students2Startups summer internship program connects University of AVÀÇÂÛ̳ students and startup companies. Students work directly with companies and gain skills in their field of interest through collaborating to identify challenges, use tools and experiments, and develop solutions.
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  • 2024-2025 UAF academic calendar available

    February 07, 2024

    The UAF academic calendar for the 2024-2025 academic year is now available. In addition, the academic calendar page on the registrar's website now includes events for the 2024-2025 academic terms.
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  • UAF Troth Yeddha' Campus steam outage planned

    February 07, 2024

    Annually, the Facilities Services Division of Utilities performs preventative maintenance and repair work on the power plant and the utilidor system. Starting on May 5, steam from the power plant will be shut off to the entirety of the Troth Yeddha' Campus for two weeks. Steam will return to service around May 19. Stewardship of our utility investments is critical to maintain a high level of reliability in delivering power and heat to the campus.
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  • Members of the UAF Alumni Association Board of Directors stop for a photo during their fall 2023 meeting.

    Nominations sought for UAF Alumni Association board

    February 07, 2024

    AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Alumni Association is accepting nominations to serve three-year terms on its 12-member board of directors.
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  • Screenshot of the Navigate Student app home screen.

    Share free Nanook Navigator app with students today

    February 05, 2024

    The Office of Student Success would like to remind advisors, instructors, and staff that the Nanook Navigator (Navigate Student) Mobile App is free for all active students to download.
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  • The Making is Learning Lab located in Bunnell 131 on the Troth Yeddha' Campus.

    The Mill is open

    February 05, 2024

    Visit the Mill (Making is Learning Lab) during open hours, Monday to Thursday from noon to 4 p.m. Use 3D printers, sublimation printers, cutting machines, and more. No permission is required; instructional designers and lab attendants are available for assistance.
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  • Managing Perceptions and Reputational Risks

    February 05, 2024

    It's common to think about risk management in terms of insurance, contract reviews, and waivers. When we choose to skip a safety requirement or treat someone unkindly, it can leave an impression on those we interact with outside of the UAF community. Reputational risks are about perception!
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