Abiotic Monitoring
Baseline abiotic monitoring occurs at Toolik Field Station (TFS) year round through autonomous instrumentation and monthly measurements.
TFS maintains two meteorological stations; one in the center of camp and the other at the Flux Hut. Data from both of these meteorological stations is available online and archived at the Arctic Data Center.
Weather data has been collected at TFS meteorological station since June 1988. The weather station located at the field station was originally installed by the Arctic LTER and TFS assumed control of the station in 2007. Weather data from the flux hut originated in 2010 on an atmospheric science project and TFS assumed control of the station in 2019.
In addition to year round meteorological measurements, atmospheric monitoring occurs
year round at TFS monitoring air quality through ozone monitoring. TFS also is a sampling
site for the detection of atmospheric deposition of chemicals, particulate matter,
and mercury deposition.
During the winter months TFS also monitors snow depth, snow water equivalency (SWE) and ice thickness once a month.