2016-2017 Faculty Senate Meetings
- 2016-17 Faculty Senate Handbook and Directory
- 2016-17 Faculty Senate Member Directory (PDF, as of 09/22/2016)
- 2016-17 Faculty Senate Committees (PDF, List as of 03/09/2017)
- 2016-17 Faculty Senate and Administrative Committee Meetings List (PDF, updated on 06/16/2016)
- 2016-17 Index of Actions (PDF)
Recording of the April 13, 2017 BOR Special Meeting [.mp3, 107MB]
Recording of Dec. 14, 2016 BOR Special Meeting [.mp3; 58MB]
Meeting started at 9 AM, progressing for approx. 15 minutes before the BOR went into
executive session. This audio recording begins after the BOR came out of that initial
executive session. It ends just before the BOR went back into another executive session
to discuss matters related to Title IX and a Facility Clearance Resolution. See the .
REVISED Flyer on Changes to Public Testimony at Board of Regents Meetings
(Includes a 2016-2017 Schedule; version as of 08/29/2016)
Meeting Information
Actions of Meeting #224:
- Motion to approve 2016-2017 degree candidates - passed
- Motion on discontinuation of CES Extension Research: Majority vote disagreeing with discontinuation (as amended)
- Motion to approve Unit Criteria for the Department of Theatre and Film - passed
- Motion to approve Unit Criteria for the AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native Language Center and AVÀÇÂÛ̳ Native
Language Program - passed
- Motion to approve Unit Criteria for the Departments of English and Philosophy & Humanities - passed
- Motion to approve Unit Criteria for the College of Engineering and Mines - passed
- Motion to amend the FS Bylaws for the Core Review Committee - passed
- Motion to amend Faculty Senate Bylaws to include Past President as Member of FS - passed
- Motion to approve the 2017-18 Faculty Senate Meeting Calendar - passed
- Motion to endorse 2017-18 Faculty Senate Committee Assignments (updated) - passed
- Motion to authorize the 2016-17 Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Senate during summer months - passed
- Faculty Senate Committee Annual Reports:
- Committee on the Status of Women 2016-17 Report
- Core / GER Committee 2016-17 Report
- Research Advisory Committee 2016-17 Report
- Information Technology Committee 2016-17 Report
- Curricular Affairs Committee 2016-17 Report
- Student Academic Development and Achievement Committee 2016-17 Report
- Unit Criteria Committee 2016-17 Report
- Graduate Academic and Advisory Committee 2016-17 Report
- Additional reports will be posted here and on individual committee web pages, as they become available.
- Resolutions of Recognition and Appreciation:
- Governance Reports:
- Faculty Alliance Report - Tara Smith, Chair
- Draft Minutes of Meeting #224 - to be approved at Faculty Senate Meeting #225 in September 2017.
- Audio Recording [112MB, .mp3]
1:00 - 3:00 PM at the Board of Regents' Conference Room (109 Butrovich Building)
Actions of Meeting #223:
- Motion on discontinuation of seven specialized Engineering Master's degrees - Agreed to discontinuations (24 Ayes; 6 Nays)
- Motion on discontinuation of BA in Geography - Did not agree with discontinuation (25 Nays; 3 Ayes)
- Motion on discontinuation of AAS in Dental Hygiene - Did not agree with discontinuation (19 Nays; 8 Ayes)
- Motion on discontinuation of BA in Sociology - Did not agree with discontinuation (22 Nays; 1 Aye; 1 Abstention)
- Motion on discontinuation of PhD in Clinical and Community Psychology - Did not agree with discontinuation (20 Nays; 10 Ayes)
- Motion on discontinuation of three Economics programs - Did not agree with discontinuations (23 Nays; 2 Ayes; 5 Abstentions)
- Draft Minutes of Meeting #223 - to be approved at Faculty Senate Meeting #225 in September 2017.
- Audio only recording of FS #223 [115MB, .mp3] - This is a complete recording of the entire meeting.
- A recording of the livestream is available at link below.
- The #223, omits the first 12 minutes of the meeting.
- The #223 B.
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #222 - (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue.)
After downloading, open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat Pro or Reader: then attachments to the agenda may be accessed from the left side-bar by clicking on the Attachments feature (click the paper-clip icon).
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #222 - (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue.)
- Personal Statements of President-Elect Candidates
- Donie Bret-Harte (PDF)
- Gordon Williams (PDF)
- Actions of Meeting #222
- Motion to confirm Outstanding Senate Service of the Year Awardee (Sine Anahita) - Passed unanimously
- Motion to approve a new Minor in Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Studies - Passed unanimously
- Resolution of Support for Faculty and Staff Board of Regents Members - Passed with amendments; updated on 04/04/2017.
- Motion moving Ethics to Baccalaureate Requirements, and Library Science to Associate / Baccalaureate Requirements - Passed unanimously
- Motion to endorse UAF Student Academic Misconduct Policy - Passed with amendments (two Nays)
- Motion to amend admissions policy for pre-majors - Passed unanimously
- Motion to amend Academic Appeals Policy (other than grades) - Passed with amendments
- Motion to amend Academic Program Review Process (Revised from 12/05/2016 Motion) - Passed unanimously
- Motion to approved the discontinuation of Extension Research Program - Tabled
- Governance Reports, Information and Handouts
- Research Report - Larry Hinzman
- Faculty Alliance Report - Tara Smith
- Flyer: 12th Annual Promotion & Tenure Workshop
- Minutes for #222 - Approved at the May 1 meeting.
- Audio Recording of Meeting #222 [.mp3, 133MB]
- (03/02/2017 - updated)
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #221 - updated 03/02/2017 (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue.
After downloading, open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat Pro: then attachments to the agenda may be accessed from the left side-bar by clicking on the Attachments feature (click the paper-clip icon).
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #221 - updated 03/02/2017 (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue.
- Actions of Meeting #221
- Motion to approve Unit Criteria for DANSRD (as revised from 2010) - Passed
- Resolution supporting international faculty, staff, and students - Passed
- Motion to amend Midterm Grade Reporting policy - Passed with amendments
- Motion to approve a new AA in Security Management - Tabled
- Governance Reports, Information and Handouts
- Faculty Alliance Report from Tara Smith (PDF)
- Minutes for #221 - Approved at FS #222
- Audio Recording of Meeting #221 [.mp3; 102MB]
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #220 (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue.
After downloading, open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat Pro: then attachments to the agenda may be accessed from the left side-bar by clicking on the Attachments feature (click the paper-clip icon).
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #220 (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue.
- Actions of Meeting #220
- Motion to approve a new Minor in Ethnobotany - Passed unanimously (PDF)
- Resolution on the School of Education Decision - Passed unanimously (PDF)
Link to recording of BOR Special Meeting of 12-14-2016, referenced in above resolution. - Resolution of no confidence in UA President Jim Johnsen - Passed by 26 ayes; with 12 nays, and 1 abstention (PDF)
- Governance Reports, Information and Handouts
- Faculty Alliance Report from Tara Smith (PDF)
- Research Report from Larry Hinzman (PDF)
- - Abel Bult-Ito (web site)
Link to
- Minutes for #220 - Approved at FS #221
- Audio Recording of Meeting #220 [.mp3 file; 120MB]
- (Google Doc correction made on 12/04/2016)
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #219 (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue; PDF correction made on 12/04/2016)
After downloading, open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat Pro: then attachments to the agenda may be accessed from the left side-bar by clicking on the Attachments feature (click on the paper-clip icon). - Program Review documents accompanying the Motion: Program Review Template (PDF)
- 10.06 BOR Policy and UA Regulation (PDF)
- GER Alignment Topic: Summary of SLOA for Writing Program, from Sarah Stanley (PDF)
- Email from Sarah Stanley re Writing Program Changes (PDF)
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #219 (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue; PDF correction made on 12/04/2016)
- Actions of Meeting #219 - to be added following the meeting
- Motion to approve a new Minor in Tribal Management - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to amend the academic program review process - Passed, as amended (PDF, corrected 12/07/2016)
- Governance Reports, Information and Handouts
- Faculty Alliance Report (PDF)
- UAFT Report (PDF) - K. Quick
- Minutes for #219 - Approved at the February meeting.
- Audio Recording of Meeting #219 [.mp3 file; 89MB]
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #218 (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue)
After downloading, open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat Pro: then attachments to the agenda may be accessed from the left side-bar by clicking on the Attachments feature (click on the paper-clip icon).
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #218 (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue)
- Actions of Meeting #218
- Resolution reaffirming support of allowing candidates for promotion, tenure, or comprehensive review to opt for open meetings - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to amend the attendance policy - Passed (as amended) with one objection (PDF)
- Motion to authorize Office of the Registrar to change "DF" grade to "Pass" for F698 courses (excludes letter graded courses) - Passed (PDF)
- Governance Reports, Information and Handouts
- Faculty Alliance Report - Tara Smith, Chair (PDF)
- Formal Copy of Faculty Alliance Resolution on Strategic Pathways (PDF)
- Response from President Johnsen re UAF Resolution on Strategic Pathways (PDF)
- Minutes for #218 - Approved at Meeting #219
- Audio Recording of Meeting #218 [.mp3 file; 107MB]
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #217-updated (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue)
After downloading, open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat Pro: then attachments to the agenda may be accessed from the left side-bar by clicking on the Attachments feature (click on the paper-clip icon). - (Draft Google Doc added to the agenda just before the meeting)
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda #217-updated (an alternative if network connectivity is an issue)
- Actions of Meeting #217
- Resolution re Strategic Pathways (PDF) - passed unanimously
- Information and Handouts
- Additional Governance Reports (if submitted in written form)
- Research Report - VC for Research Larry Hinzman
- UNAD Report - Katie Boylan
- Minutes for #217 - Approved at Meeting #218
- Audio Recording of Meeting #217
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda for Meeting #216 - UNAD report added 09/12/2016; L. McCollough Handout added 09/12/2016
After downloading, open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat Pro: then attachments to the agenda may be accessed from the left side-bar by clicking on the Attachments feature (click on the paper-clip icon).
- Downloadable PDF of Agenda for Meeting #216 - UNAD report added 09/12/2016; L. McCollough Handout added 09/12/2016
- Actions of Meeting #216
- Information and Handouts
- Additional Governance Reports
- ASUAF Report - Colby Freel (PDF)
- UNAD Report - Katie Boylan (PDF received 09/12/2016)
- Research Report - VC for Research Larry Hinzman (PDF)
- Handout from Laura McCollough, Dean of Students (PDF)
- Minutes for #215 (May 2, 2016) - Approved at Meeting #216
- Minutes for #216 (PDF) - Approved at Meeting #217
- Audio Recording of Meeting #216 [.mp3 file; 100MB]