Manage my UA Username Account

UA Account is your key to accessing computer services and electronic resources at University of AVÀÇÂÛ̳. One username and one password to get into every University service. 

University of AVÀÇÂÛ̳ is using  - self-service tool -  to establish or change one's UA Username and Password.  

Options to change Password


Reset my password

This option allows you to provide your UA Username or UA ID #, verify some basic questions about your identity, and then change your password.  If you've forgotten your password, this is the most common option for retrieval.

  1. Visit  and select Forgot Password.
  2. On the 'Welcome' page, change your password on the right under 'Password Reset'. In the Username pull down menu, select your UA Username.
  3. Type a password in the 'New Password' and 'Confirm Password' fields. When your new password conforms to the requirements, the red X's will turn into green check marks.
  4. When you have a good password, Select the Set Password button.
  5. In the upper left, select Sign Out.

Setting Up Your UA Username account in ELMO

For new UA Users. claim your UA Username and set a password.

  1. Get Started - Visit . Select Lookup Username/ID. Answer vetting questions, then select Recover Username. This will take you to the ELMO 'Welcome' page. Notice your UA ID and UA Username in the upper right.
  2. Set Security Settings - In the upper left of the ELMO ‘Welcome’ page, select Security Settings. These settings are important because they determine what happens if you ever forget your password and need to reset it. Choose to either Enable Self Service Security (2 options) or Disable Self Service Security.
  3. Choose Email Destination -Under ‘Email Destination’ set the location of where email will be sent, either to ‘UA Google’ account or forwarded to an ‘Other’ destination. UA Employees may only forward their UA Google email to other UA email addresses. Students may forward their email to any ‘Other’ email account, though NookTech recommends setting email destination to ‘UA Google’ to minimize any issues with shared documents, calendar invites, or other Google services. Save Settings and confirm that your Email destination has been set. 
  4. Set a Password -On the right side of the screen under ‘Password Reset’  set a password that contains at least 8 characters, one number, and one upper-case letter. Select Set Password.
  5. Verify Username/ID - On the ‘Welcome ‘ page you should see your UA ID Number and UA Username displayed on the left side of your screen.  Memorize this. It is your  login for Blackboard, Google Apps @ UA Email, NetReg, and Computer Lab accounts.
  6. Sign Out - In upper left, select Sign Out to begin using your UA Username and Password across all UA services!​